Chapter IX Assignment

For this assignment, I will include two types of things:

  1. Examples or Theorems from the Chapter. If you do these, the idea is to work out the example yourself, and write it out your own way, filling in all the missing details and making sure you understand everything.
  2. Problems from the end of the Chapter.

This material is important, and there are a variety of questions. It will be sufficient to submit 4 of them (total, from both lists). However, I’d like you to try to complete and submit 6–8 of them if you have time. Take a quick look through all of them, and pick whichever ones look most interesting to you.

Examples and Theorems

As I said, if you do one of these, the answers are supplied; however, the book often omits many details and explanations. Try to work out the example or theorem on your own, write it out your own way, and fill in the missing details.

  • Section 1, Example (d)
  • Section 3, Examples (d), (e), or (f) (each one counts as one problem)
  • Section 5 Examples (b), (c), or (d) (each one counts as one problem)
  • Section 8 Theorem


These problems are from Section 9 in Chapter IX. They are all interesting; look through them all briefly and then pick whichever ones look interesting to you.

  • Section 9, Problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 26

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